The Boys' Brigade
The Boys’ Brigade (BB) 11th Singapore Company in Christ Church Secondary School is a Christian-based CCA formed in 1974 with the support of the Light of Christ Church Woodlands (sponsoring church).
The 11th Company provides fun, meaningful and challenging activities to nurture our Boys to lead and serve the community. Through promoting the habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect, we envision our Boys maturing into men of integrity and trustworthy leaders.
Programme Overview
Through our 4-year Senior Programme, our Boys acquire skills and knowledge in four domains: Global Awareness, Community Spiritedness, Personal Mastery and Leadership.
Global Awareness
Through projects and activities, Boys are taught to become active and concerned global citizens by investigating local and global issues and brainstorming for solutions to make a positive change in the world.
Community Spiritedness
Our Boys will explore social needs in Singapore by understanding the needs of the community, respond with a heart of service and lead in uplifting the local community through activities like BB Share-a-Gift, which benefit the less privileged in society.
Personal Mastery
Our Boys will also learn discipline, perseverance and adaptability through exposure to different activities and acquisition of new skills. Character and personal habits of effectiveness will be developed in Boys, enabling them to succeed in any team, task or responsibility.
Our Boys discover the key principles of leadership through habits of encouragement, social initiative, trustworthiness and service to others. Brigade-level competitions, leadership development courses and community service projects such as BB CARES offer opportunities for exposure and skills development.
- BB Blaze (Silver)
- Founder’s Award - Zachary Lim, Darrel Ong En Zhe & Bay Jiasheng, Dillon
- Best Boy Award - Zachary Lim
- J M Fraser Award for Excellence (High Distinction)
- AdventuRe:Ignite (Gold)
- Character Quest (Silver)
- BB Week (Silver)
- Founder’s Award - Sim Kian Hao Javier, Yau Fu Pin, Max Er Jing Xian & Chiew Zi Hang
- Best Boy Award - Sim Kian Hao Javier
- J M Fraser Award for Excellence (Gold)
- Character Quest (Gold)
- BB Week (Silver)
- Best Boy Award - Gabriel Neo Jiawei
Training Days & Time
All Boys:
Day | Time |
Friday (CCA Day) | 0800 - 1115 |
Selected Saturdays | 0900 - 1230 |
BB Band:
Day | Time |
Selected Fridays | 1300 - 1500 |